Free awareness raising materials
All of the materials below have been developed with partners and are freely available for you to use to raise awareness of the campaign. Contact us to order free hard copies of materials (but please make sure you have the landowner's permission before displaying these).
Funding for Check Clean Dry
All Check Clean Dry materials developed and printed by the NNSS are funded by a group of nine water companies through the Aquatic Biosecurity Partnership.
Jump to resources for different groups:
Posters and signs
Resources for event organisers
- Event Biosecurity Support Pack (PDF) - developed by the Cumbria Freshwater Invasive Non-Native Species Initiative
- Scottish Event Biosecurity Support Guide (PDF) and Biosecurity Risk Assessment (PDF)
- Check Clean Dry campaign logos can be used in your materials and websites with our approval, please contact us to request these.
- Waterproof stickers
- Check Clean Dry graphics for use in your own communications. Find us on Twitter
- Roller banner for use at events and in presentations
- Free online biosecurity training
Posters and signs
- Coarse angling | Coarse angling (Welsh)
- Game angling
- Marine angling | Marine angling (Welsh)
- Coarse angling washdown station
- Coarse angling
- Welsh
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Ukrainian
- Marine angling | Marine angling (Welsh)
- Game fishing for tour operators
- Coarse fishing for tour operators
Resources for event organisers
- Angling Event Biosecurity Pack (PDF) - developed by the Angling Trust and North Wales Wildlife Trust.
- pre-event guidance for anglers, developed by the Angling Trust
- English (PDF)
- Czech (PDF)
- French (PDF)
- Croatian (PDF)
- Hungarian (PDF)
- Italian (PDF)
- Lithuanian (PDF)
- Latvian (PDF)
- Polish (PDF)
- Romanian (PDF)
- Russian (PDF)
- Ukranian (PDF)
- The Angling Trust videos for anglers
- Waterproof stickers
- Angling roller banner for use at events and in presentations
Poster and signs
- Boating | Boating (Welsh)
- Marine boating | Marine boating (Welsh)
- Boating on canals | Boating on canals (Welsh)
- Boating washdown station
- Boating | Boating (Welsh)
- Marine boating | Marine boating (Welsh)
- Boating on canals | Boating on canals (Welsh)
Resources for event organisers
- Boating Sustainable Event Toolkit (external link) - developed by RYA
- RYA videos for boaters
- Waterproof stickers
- Boating roller banner for use at events and in presentations
Paddling and Stand Up Paddleboarding
Posters and signs
Resources for event organisers
- Paddling Event Biosecurity Toolkit (PDF) - developed by British Canoeing and North Wales Wildlife Trust.
- British Canoeing videos for paddlers
- Waterproof stickers
- Paddling roller banner for use at events and in presentations
Please contact us if you have any queries or would like to discuss how you can get involved.
RAPID LIFE and the Aquatic Biosecurity Partnership
Check Clean Dry materials were updated in 2018 with funding from RAPID LIFE and the Aquatic Biosecurity Partnership. Find copies of materials with RAPID LIFE logos. The Aquatic Biosecurity Partnership continues to support Check Clean Dry.