If you would like to recommend a report to add to the website, please contact us.
Publications are grouped under the following categories:
- Non-native species management
- Risk analysis, pathways and horizon scanning
- Communications
- Background information
- Non-native species projects
- Non-native species impacts
- Identification materials
- Codes of Practice
- Biosecurity guidance
Non-native species management
- Partnership led strategy to monitor and manage the spread of Pacific oyster populations in south Devon and Cornwall (PDF) Natural England 2021
- Water primrose control 2018 progress report (PDF), Renals 2019
- Controlling invasive crayfish: Managing signal crayfish populations in small enclosed water bodies (PDF). Defra commissioned Cefas report, 2016.
- Invasive alien plants in aquatic environments (PDF) ONEMA The French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments 2015
- Pocket Guide to Balsam Bashing (external link). Pike, T. Merlin Unwin Books Ltd 2014.
Cabi updates on biocontrol projects in GB:
- November 2022 (external link)
- May 2022 (external link)
- November 2021 (external link)
- March 2021 (external link)
- 2020 (pdf)
- 2018 (pdf)
- 2016 (pdf)
- 2015 (external link)
- 2013 (pdf)
- 2012 (pdf)
Risk analysis, pathways and horizon scanning
- Provision of horizon scanning and analysis of pathways of spread of invasive species into Scotland (external link) Scottish Government, 2023
- Welsh Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Pathways Assessment (PDF) NRW 2021
- Comprehensive pathway analysis (PDF), 2019
- Risk management to prioritise the eradication of new and emerging invasive non-native species (external link) Booy et al. 2017. Biological Invasions.
- Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain (external link), Roy et al. 2014. Global Change Biology.
- Modelling the risk of the introduction and spread of non-indigenous species in the UK and Ireland (PDF), Defra commisioned report by Cefas 2012
- Here today here tomorrow? Horizon scanning for invasive non-native plants (external link) Plantlife 2010.
- Rapid response working group final report (PDF) (2009)
- Horizon scanning for new invasive non-native animal species in England (PDF) Natural England 2009
- Horizon scanning for new invasive non-native animal species in England - Annex (PDF) Natural England 2009
- Non-native species research requirements for delivery of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (PDF), JNCC 2003
- Survey of Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviour in Relation to Non-native Species (PDF) Creative Research, 2018
- Media & Communications Plan 2017 (PDF), 2010 (PDF), Media & Communications Working Group
- Report of the Training Working Group for Great Britain (PDF), Training Working Group 2012
- Wildlife Management and Invasive Non-Native Species. Report of Research Findings among the General Public, Anglers and the Horticultural Retail Trade (PDF) Defra 2009
Background information
- Assessment to support continued development of the EU Strategy to combat invasive alien species. Final Report for the European Commission. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) (PDF), Brussels, Belgium. Shine, C., Kettunen, M., Genovesi, P., Essl, F., Gollasch, S., Rabitsch, W., Scalera, R., Starfinger, U. and ten Brink, P. 2010.
- Postnote: Invasive non-native species (PDF) Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 2008
- The status of scarce non-native birds and mammals in England (PDF) Defra commisioned report by Fera 2008
- Review of Non-Native Species Policy (PDF), Defra 2003 (Annex (PDF))
- Review of Non-native Species Legislation and Guidance, Fasham and Trumper (PDF), Ecoscope Applied Ecologists 2001.
Non-native species projects
- Tackling Invasive Non-native Species in the UK Overseas Territories. Gap Analysis of Biosecurity Capacity (PDF). Key 2017
- Local Action Group Report (PDF) Defra, 2015
- Improving bio-security in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories: identification service for invasive invertebrate plant pests (PDF) Defra commissioned report from Fera 2010
Non-native species impacts
- An updated assessment of the direct costs of invasive non-native species to the United Kingdom Defra commissioned report from CABI, 2023.
- Assessing the impact of key Marine Invasive Non-Native Species on Welsh MPA habitat features, fisheries and aquaculture (PDF) NRW 2021
- Understanding the impacts of invasive non-native species on protected sites (PDF) Natural England, 2015
- Review of the ecological impact and invasion potential of Ponto Caspian invaders in Great Britain (PDF), Gallardo and Aldridge 2013
- Impact of Dikerogammarus villosus on Ecological status (PDF), Gallardo and Aldridge 2012
- Non-Native Species in Great Britain: establishment, detection and reporting to inform effective decision making (PDF). Helen E. Roy, Jim Bacon, Björn Beckmann, Colin A. Harrower, Mark O. Hill, Nick J.B. Isaac, Chris D. Preston, Biren Rathod, Stephanie L. Rorke, John H. Marchant, Andy Musgrove, David Noble, Jack Sewell, Becky Seeley, Natalie Sweet, Leoni Adams, John Bishop, Alison R. Jukes, Kevin J. Walker and David Pearman. Defra 2012.
- The Economic Cost of Invasive Non-native Species to the British Economy (PDF). Defra commissioned report from CABI 2010. Supporting document: Outline of Headline Figures (PDF)
- UK Technical Advisory Group on the Water Framework Directive - Revised classification of aquatic alien species according to their level of impact (external link) UK TAG 2009
- Deer-Vehicle Collisions Project Report (PDF) The Deer Initiative, 2006
Identification materials
Booy, Olaf; Wade, Max; Roy, Helen. 2015 Field guide to invasive plants and animals in Britain. London, Bloomsbury Natural History, 304pp. (Helm Field Guides).
Free ID sheets
- Asian Hornet - stay alert, take action, protect our pollinators. APHA
- Japanese knotweed ID sheet, Welsh language version (PDF), Welsh Government and Snowdonia National Park
- Invasive non-native plants associated with fresh waters (PDF) Scottish Natural Heritage
- Identification of invasive shrimps and gastropods (PDF) Freshwater Biological Association
- Crayfish information booklet (PDF) Anglia Ruskin University
- Guide to non-native amphibian and reptile species in the UK (PDF) The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust
- Marine identification guide (PDF) Cefas
- ID guide for selected marine non-native species (PDF) Marine Biological Association
Codes of practice
- Flatworm Code of Practice
- Horticultural Code of Practice
- Pet Code of Practice
- Zoos Code of Practice (PDF). View the Zoos Pathway Action Plan.
- Boating Code of Conduct. View the Boating Pathway Action Plan.
- Angling Code of Conduct. View the Angling Pathway Action Plan.
Biosecurity guidance
Also see Biosecurity
Take free online training (external link) to improve your understanding of biosecurity. Check your knowledge with a test and download a certificate once you have passed.
General field biosecurity:
- Biosecurity Guidance for Biological Surveyors/samplers (Draft) (PDF)- A Good Practice Guide to minimising the risk of moving non-native species, parasites and diseases
- Biosecurity Guidance for Scotland's Environmental and Rural Services (PDF) (SEARS) Staff (Scottish Goverment)
- Biosecurity risk assessment (PDF) and water body worked example (PDF)
Aquatic biosecurity:
- Check Clean Dry for field workers
- Biosecurity for Anglers (PDF)
- Biosecurity for Boat Users (PDF)
- Biosecurity for Submerged Structures (PDF)
- Biosecurity and Natural Flood Management (PDF)
- Report on Biosecurity for Anglers (PDF) - Stuart Crofts
Marine biosecurity:
Other resources:
Animal diseases:
Fish diseases:
Amphibian diseases:
- Amphibian Disease Precautions: A guide for UK fieldworkers (PDF)(ARG-UK Advice note 4)
- Hygiene protocol to contain the spread of Chytridiomycosis during fieldwork (PDF) (RACE - Risk assessment of Chytridiomycosis to European Amphibian Biodiversity)