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The marine pathways project produced a quarterly newsletter detailing brief updates on the subject of non-native species and on specific project components.
- Issue eighteen - April 2018 (PDF)
- Issue seventeen - January 2018 (PDF)
- Issue sixteen - October 2017 (PDF)
- Issue fifteen - July 2017 (PDF)
- Issue fourteen - April 2017 (PDF)
- Issue thirteen - Jan 2017 (PDF)
- Issue twelve - Oct 2016 (PDF)
- Issue eleven - July 2016 (PDF)
- Issue ten - April 2016 (PDF)
- Issue nine - Jan 2016 (PDF)
- Issue eight - Oct 2015 (PDF)
- Issue seven - July 2015 (PDF)
- Issue six - April 2015 (PDF)
- Issue five - Jan 2015 (PDF)
- Issue four - Oct 2014 (PDF)
- Issue three - July 2014 (PDF)
- Issue two - April 2014 (PDF)
- Issue one - Jan 2014 (PDF)
Biosecurity and Awareness Raising
- Marine Biosecurity Planning Guidance for Wales and England (PDF) (Natural England and Natural Resources Wales 2015)
- Marine Biosecurity Planning Guidance (Word) - Biosecurity plan template document
- Marine Biosecurity Plan Template - Construction Activities (Word)
- Marine Biosecurity Plan Template - Events (Word)
- Marine Biosecurity Plan Template - Estuary Wide (Word)
- Example Biosecurity Plan - Dean and Reddyhoff Haslar Marina (PDF)
- Example Biosecurity Plan - Quay Marinas Conway (PDF)
- Marine Biosecurity Planning Project 2016/17 - Final Report to Natural England (PDF)
- Marine Biosecurity Planning Guidance - Training pack (PDF)
- Marine Biosecurity Planning Guidance - Sample marina biosecurity plan (Word)
- INNS information for the shellfish aquaculture industry English version (PDF) and Welsh version (PDF) (Natural England, 2015)
- Marine Biosecurity Planning Guidance Document for Scotland (external link) (Scottish Natural Heritage 2014)
- Risk Reduction (Biosecurity) Guidance - Lessons Learned (PDF) (Natural England, 2014)
- Marine biosecurity planning - Identification of best practice: review (PDF) (Firth of Clyde Forum, 2011)
- Marine biosecurity information - key guidance documents and websites (Word)
North Wales Marine Aliens Tool Kit
Project report: Developing a Network of Volunteers to Champion the Issue of Marine Alien Species (PDF) (North Wales Wildlife Trust and Natural Resources Wales, 2015).
Appendices (ZIP) containing:
- INNS Projects (Excel)
- INNS Project Plan (JPG)
- Introduction to the Workshop (PowerPoint)
- Marine Alien Species: An Overview (PowerPoint)
- Marine Alien Species: Champions (PowerPoint)
- Marine Alien Species: Biosecurity (PowerPoint)
- Event Poster Template (Word)
- CCD Marine Plants Bilingual (PDF)
- Mitten Crab (JPG)
- Pacific Oyster (JPG)
- Wakame (JPG)
- Slipper Limpet (JPG)
- Wireweed (JPG)
- Useful Links (JPG)
- Roller Marine Aliens (PDF)
- MASC Logo (JPG)
- MASC Logo (PNG)
- MAS Information (Word)
- NWWLT Marine Pathways Champions Project Report 31 March 2014 (PDF)
Identification, Risk Assessment and Monitoring
- Investigating the Impacts of Marine Invasive Non-native Species (external link) (Natural England 2016)
- Monitoring of Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) on the River Dee (PDF) (Natural Resources Wales 2016)
- Comprehensive Reassessment of NNS in Welsh Marinas (PDF) (Christine Wood, John Bishop and Anna Yunnie, 2015)
- Wales Marine Non-native Species Inshore Monitoring Network (PDF) (Bangor University 2015)
- Assessing the effectiveness of early warning systems for the detection of marine invasive non-native species in Scottish waters (PDF) (Cook, E.J., Beveridge, C., Twigg, G. & Macleod, A., 2015)
- Investigating the efficacy of citizen science relative to other methods for monitoring marine invasive non-native species (external link) (MBA & CWT 2014)
- Marine Non-indigenous Species Monitoring and Risk Management (external link) (Cefas 2014)
- Risk assessment of non-indigeneous marine species, Ireland: including those expected in inland waters (PDF) (Dan Minchin, 2014)
- Review of monitoring of marine non-native species in Great Britain and evaluation of gaps in data dissemination (PDF) (Katie Sambrook, Kate Griffith, Stuart Jenkins, 2014)
- Surveillance of Grateloupia turuturu in Wales - Milford Haven July 2013 (PDF) (Chloe Jennings and Ben Wray, 2014)
- Survey of Wild Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas in Scotland (PDF) (Cook, E.J., Beveridge, C.M., Lamont, P., O’Higgins, T., Wilding, T., 2014)