BEACON (Bollin Environmental Action and Conservation) is a group of people working towards controlling and eradicating invasive non-native species (INNS) within the Bollin catchment, which includes all the tributaries, meres, brooks and streams connected to the River Bollin such as the River Dean and Mobberley Brook.
Active management of Himalayan Balsam with BEACON volunteers - 'on the pull'
The work of BEACON is done using a coordinated approach supported by a network of over 20 partner organisations. Our vision is:
To have a river catchment free from invasive species where our natural wildlife thrives. This will be achieved through surveys and monitoring, education, awareness raising and local action.
This means we will:
- Improve the quality of the water bodies and associated habitats within the Bollin catchment area.
- Protect the designated sites within the Bollin catchment area.
- Engage with local communities and schools to raise awareness of invasive non-native species, and get people involved in the project.
- Increase the number of people taking action to control non-native invasive species.
- Engage with local landowners and farmers to raise their awareness of non-native invasive species in the Bollin catchment, and how land management and farming can make a positive contribution to controlling non-natives.
Thanks to funding from Defra and other sources, BEACON has been able to employ a Project Officer to co-ordinate our activities for the past three years, That funding has now finished and so volunteers and partner organisations will be working hard to make sure the project continues by hosting events, raising awareness, providing advice and carrying out control work. To get involved, please contact us via the website or on social media using details below.
For more information on the BEACON project please visit our website at and you can keep in touch via Twitter @SallyBeacon