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INNS management toolkits

The following invasive non-native species management toolkits were developed through the RAPID LIFE project to support training and biosecurity:


RAPID INNS Management Toolkit: Freshwater Biosecurity Resources

What is Biosecurity?

Biosecurity is about reducing the risk of introducing or spreading invasive non-native species (and other harmful organisms such as diseases) in the wild.

This section provides resources on biosecurity including guidance and presentations on biosecurity measures in the freshwater environment. RAPID LIFE resources are freely available to be used for training and development of biosecurity actions.

Freshwater Biosecurity Training Presentations

For Freshwater Asset Managers:

For Freshwater User Groups:

Check, Clean, Dry Materials

Check, Clean, Dry is a national campaign which focuses on stopping the spread of invasive plants and animals in our waters. Find useful materials for different activities here:



Useful Links


RAPID INNS Management Toolkit: Marine Biosecurity Resources

What is biosecurity?

Biosecurity is about reducing the risk of introducing or spreading invasive non-native species (and other harmful organisms such as diseases) in the wild.

This section provides guidance on biosecurity including documents and presentations on biosecurity measures in the marine environment. All the RAPID LIFE resources are freely available to be used for training and development of biosecurity actions.
Marine Biosecurity Presentations

For Water Asset Managers:

For User Groups:

Check, Clean, Dry Materials

Check, Clean, Dry is a campaign which focuses on stopping the spread of invasive plants and animals in our waters. Find useful materials for different activities here:



Useful Links


RAPID INNS Management Toolkit: Priority species

ID and Contingency Planning Training Toolkit

Some invasive non-native species are considered priority species to watch out for. This is because these species are considered:

  • Highly likely to invade the UK or, if they are already present, highly likely to spread.
  • Highly likely to cause significant damage to native wildlife and/or the economy.

On this webpage you will find materials available that give information about the identification of these species, as well as on the contingency response process to report these species. These materials are freely available to download and use for training.


RAPID INNS Management Toolkit: Good Practice Management

Good Practice Management
These Good Practice Management Guides set out management options for established invasive species based on available evidence.

RAPID LIFE was a European Union funded project led by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) in partnership with Natural England and Bristol Zoological Society and supported by a number of further technical partners.